Premium Garden Planting Services in Surrey and London

We offer premium garden planting services tailored to Surrey and London's unique environments. Our dedicated team specialises in creating stunning planting schemes that complement your garden's aesthetics while considering the local climate and conditions.

With years of experience, our knowledgeable professionals guide you through selecting the ideal plants, ensuring your garden flourishes in every season.

PlanT selection to improve year round colour

Discover a diverse selection of top-quality plants sourced from leading suppliers across England, Italy, Sicily, Holland, Spain, and Belgium. Our comprehensive range ensures a rich variety, always catering to the discerning tastes of our clients.

At our core, we specialise in delivering personalized planting plans designed to transform your garden into a year-round visual spectacle. Leveraging both our in-house expertise and collaborations with external designers, we create bespoke planting schemes tailored to your preferences.

We prioritize your vision by understanding your color preferences, desire for aromatic scents, and promotion of wildlife through carefully selected plants. Our process involves assessing your garden's soil type, the orientation of planting areas, and sunlight exposure to curate a realistic budget and a meticulously curated list of suitable plant species.

Fun Fact:
"Did you know that certain plants can improve air quality and promote relaxation? Choose the right plants for your garden to create a serene and healthier environment."

Patio edged with Seasonal planted flowers

Top Ten Tips for Gardening Planting Services:

  1. Assess your garden's sunlight and soil conditions.
  2. Research plants suitable for your garden's size and style.
  3. Consider native plants for sustainability.
  4. Plan for year-round interest with seasonal blooms.
  5. Group plants by water needs for efficient irrigation.
  6. Incorporate different textures and colors for visual appeal.
  7. Don't forget about proper spacing between plants.
  8. Regularly maintain and prune to encourage healthy growth.
  9. Use mulch to retain moisture and suppress weeds.
  10. Seek professional advice for specialized care.
Planting of Shrubs and Bushes in London Garden Border
Flowers and plants in Surrey Border
Expert planting of Shrubs outside garden Studio
Garden border planted with colourful flowers

Expert Guidance for Ideal Plant Selection

Our team excels in understanding the diverse flora that thrives in Surrey and London. From native plants to exotic species, we assist in choosing the right plants that suit your garden's style and environmental requirements. Our expertise ensures a sustainable and visually pleasing garden.

Tailored Planting Schemes

We craft personalized planting schemes that reflect your preferences and the unique characteristics of your garden space. Our tailored approach aims to create harmony, balance, and long-lasting beauty in your outdoor space.

Sustainable Garden Solutions

Beyond aesthetics, we prioritize eco-friendly and sustainable planting solutions. Our team offers advice on environmentally conscious practices and plant choices for a greener garden.

Get in touch

For expert guidance on garden planting services in Surrey and London, reach out to us and let's bring your garden vision to life!

Q: How do I determine the right plants for my garden's soil type?
Understanding your garden's soil composition is crucial. Conduct a soil test or consult with gardening experts to identify whether it's sandy, clay-based, or loamy. Once determined, select plants that thrive in that specific soil type.

Q: What are some low-maintenance plants suitable for beginners?
Several low-maintenance plants are ideal for novice gardeners, such as lavender, sedum, hostas, and daylilies. These plants are resilient, requiring minimal care and attention.

Q: How can I attract pollinators like bees and butterflies to my garden?
To attract pollinators, include flowering plants like lavender, bee balm, coneflowers, and milkweed. These plants offer nectar and pollen, attracting beneficial insects to your garden.

Q: What factors should I consider when choosing plants for a shaded area?
Opt for shade-loving plants that thrive in limited sunlight. Ferns, hostas, astilbes, and foxgloves are excellent choices for shaded spots as they adapt well to such environments.

Q: How can I create a garden with year-round interest?
Plan your garden to include plants with different blooming seasons. Combine evergreen shrubs, flowering perennials, and ornamental grasses to ensure a visually appealing garden throughout the year.

Q: What are the best plants for a water-wise or drought-resistant garden?
Succulents like cacti and sedum, as well as plants such as lavender, Russian sage, and yarrow, are known for their drought-tolerant nature. They require minimal watering and thrive in arid conditions.

Q: Are there specific plants that repel pests naturally?
Yes, several plants possess natural pest-repelling properties. Consider incorporating marigolds, basil, mint, and chrysanthemums to deter common garden pests.

Q: How do I ensure proper spacing between plants for optimal growth?
Follow the recommended spacing guidelines provided for each plant species. Adequate spacing allows plants to receive sufficient sunlight, air circulation, and nutrients, promoting healthy growth.

Q: Can I plant vegetables and flowers together in the same garden bed?
Yes, you can create a vibrant and functional garden by interplanting vegetables and flowers. Some flowers, like marigolds and nasturtiums, help repel pests while adding color to vegetable beds.

Q: What are the best practices for planting trees and shrubs?
Ensure the planting hole is wide enough to accommodate the plant's root system. Properly amend the soil with compost and water thoroughly after planting. Mulch around the base to retain moisture and suppress weeds.